Glucosamine, Chondroitin with Diclofenac & Vitamin – B12 Tablets.
Following Information is for the use only of a Registered Medical Practitioner or Hospital or a Laboratory or Healthcare Personnel only.
Treatment of Osteoarthritis of fingers, Shoulder joints & weight bearing joints of the body. As a dietary supplement to prevent osteoarthritis.
1 tablet, Three times daily. Dose may be adjusted according to the response of the drug and body weight. Doses can be tapered after 60 days as per requirement of the individual and for cost convenience. Typical dosage recommendation, Based on body weight is as follows, Under 54 Kg : 800 mg Chondroitin Sulphate & 1000 mg Glucosamine Sulphate per day. 54 Kg – 91 Kg: 1200 mg Chondroitin Sulphate & 1500 mg Glucosamine Sulphate per day. Over 91 Kg: 1600 mg Chondroitin Sulphate & 2000 mg Glucosamine Sulphate per day.